Invest In Yourself

When looking for investment it is important that you are pitching something that you have experience in and have a passion for.

You have to be able to show and prove that you have knowledge and experience within your chosen sector if you want investors to take you seriously.

But how should you present yourself without making it too complicated for you to create and for investors to grasp?

Put yourselves in your investors shoes. Show them:

  • How big the market is.
  • That you have a big solution to a big problem in the market
  • Clearly articulate how big an investment you need for what amount of equity
  • How you plan to grow the company
  • Your exit strategy i.e. how are the investors going to make a return.

But once you have your pitch sorted, where do you find the right investor for your business? Jonathan tells Chrissy B where you should be focusing.

To find out how Rockstar Hubs can help with your business success, why not take advantage of our 1-to-1 mentoring session offer:

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